Boarfish (Paristiopterus labiosus)

Written by: Brendon (Dive Division Manager)



Time to read 2 min

Boarfish species infographic

Ready to snag a Boarfish this summer?

These quirky fish are a unique challenge for spearfishers and a real treat on the dinner table. Whether you’re new to the sport or a seasoned diver, here’s everything you need to know about hunting boarfish in New Zealand.

Boarfish have a unique look with their long snouts. In New Zealand, you’ll mainly see two types: the Long-finned Boarfish (not really a target for most) and the Giant Boarfish.

Where To Find Boarfish?

Boarfish are most active from October to May, venturing into shallower waters to spawn. During the colder months, they retreat to deeper sand, making them a tougher target.

Best Spots to Target Them:

Contrary to popular belief, not all boarfish are found in deep water. You can often spot them in as little as 6m of depth, particularly where the weed meets the sand (the weed line). These areas are also frequented by other species like John Dory and Terakihi.

Boarfish often travel in pairs:

  • Males sport yellow speckles.
  • Females have a brown blotchy back.

They like to hang out on flat, calm sand near sheltered islands or coastlines, avoiding wavy or exposed areas with rough conditions.

Finding Them in the Current:

Boarfish don’t eat other fish but prefer spots with abundant bait activity. When you dive, swim into the current. We know it sounds like a workout, but more current usually means more fish!

How to Hunt 'Em

Plan Your Approach:

  • Stay high in the water column to avoid startling them.
  • Drift down slowly rather than swimming directly at them.
  • Approach from behind, as boarfish usually face into the current.

Early in the season, you might even find small schools of them. Lie low and let them come to you.

Getting the Shot Right:

A shorter speargun, like a 75cm or 90cm model, is perfect for their typical habitats. These guns provide excellent manoeuvrability for the close-range shots you’ll need near weed lines and sandy areas. 

Boarfish Stats

Scientific Name: Paristiopterus labiosus (Giant Boarfish)
Average Weight: 3-6kg but can weigh up to 10kg
Habitat: Weed lines, sandy flats, and areas near currents
Diet: Worms, crabs, brittle starfish and sea cucumbers

**Be sure to check out the MPI site to see the legal take size for your area.

How to Cook 'Em

Boarfish is prized for its firm, white flesh, often compared to John Dory. Try out Tim Kavermann’s quick and easy pan-fried boarfish tacos with chorizo .

Hunting boarfish is a rewarding adventure, especially when you’ve honed your skills and gear. Remember to respect the ocean and your prey, and always dive within your limits.

Photo of Brendon the Author

The Author: Brendon (Dive Division Manager)

Brendon is a seasoned diver with nearly 35 years of experience and a passion for the ocean. From a PADI instructor to a commercial diver on oil rigs and wrecks across NZ, Australia, and Papua New Guinea, he has seen a lot! Now, he enjoys teaching his children about the underwater world. A staunch advocate for ocean conservation, Brendon views Divetech as a means to help others explore and appreciate the importance of protecting our oceans.